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Shareholders assembly

Public Call

                                                                       PUBLIC CALL

                             For participation at the 52nd meeting of the Shareholders Assembly
                                                     of Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje


Based on Article 27 and Article 29 of the Statute of Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje (A.D. No. 438/31.5.2022, revised text), the Supervisory Board of SB, at the meeting held on 26.2.2024, passed a Decision on scheduling the 52nd meeting of the Shareholders Assembly of SB (S.B. No.24/2024 dated 26.2.2024).

The Meeting of the Assembly shall be held on 28th March 2024 (Thursday), at 12.00 h., in the headquarters of SB, the Head Office, on “11 Oktomvri“ Street, No. 7, 1000 Skopje (with entrance from GTC).

In relation to the activity at the 52nd meeting of the Shareholders Assembly, the Supervisory Board of SB is proposing the following:


  1. Selecting a Chairperson, Notary and Vote counter;
  2. Reviewing the Minutes of the 51st meeting of the Shareholders Assembly held on 30th May 2023;
  1. Passing a Decision on redistribution of part of accumulated earnings into earnings restricted for distribution to the shareholders;
  2. Passing a Decision on re - appointment of independent member of Supervisory board of Stopanska banka AD – Skopje;
  3. Passing a Decision on re - appointment of independent member of Supervisory board of Stopanska banka AD – Skopje;

The shareholders of SB are called hereby to announce their participation at the Assembly meeting, by submitting: written authorization issued by competent body of the shareholder (for legal entities) or a personally signed application (for individuals), at least 3 (three) days prior to the meeting, and not later than within the stipulated period as per the Law on trading companies, to the abovementioned address, with a note: „To the attention of the Chairman of the Board of Directors“, or electronically, to the e-mail address: sobranie@stb.com.mk, by submitting the authorization or the statement in scan.

The shareholders of SB may vote in relation to the items on the Agenda, published within the Public Call, by completing the Voting Form by way of correspondence, as well, published at the official web page of the Bank, in the section „Shareholders Assembly – documentation“, at the following link. The regularly completed Voting Form by way of correspondence should be submitted by the shareholders in writing, in original, with complete name and surname and personal signature of the shareholder- individual, i.e. name, headquarters, seal and name and surname and personal signature of the legal representative of the shareholder – legal entity. For identification purposes, together with the completed Voting Form by way of correspondence, the shareholder – individual is required to also submit copy of the identification document (ID card). For identification purposes, together with the completed Voting Form by way of correspondence, the shareholder – legal entity is required to also submit copy of the current status of the legal entity and copy of the identification document (ID card) of the legal representative of the legal entity. The completed Voting Form by way of correspondence, in original, together with the abovementioned identification documents, with a note „To the attention of the Shareholders Assembly“ should be received in the headquarters of Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje, on “11 Oktomvri“ Street No. 7, 1000 Skopje, no later than until  29.3.2024 - 12.00 o’clock.

Each shareholder may authorize a proxy for the Shareholders Assembly, in a manner and under terms and conditions as determined in accordance with the Law, by signing a written authorization/ proxy. Each shareholder, who provided a written authorization and appointed a proxy, is obliged to notify the Bank by written notification sent at the abovementioned address, with the required note, or electronically at the e-mail address: sobranie@stb.com.mk, by submitting the authorization/ proxy in scan, contrary to which it shall be considered that the authorization/ proxy was not provided.

The Shareholders Assembly shall decide only on issues that were regularly placed on the Agenda in accordance with the Statute of the Bank and the Law on trading companies.
Shareholders that individually or mutually possess at least 5% of the total number of shares with voting right may, within a period of 8 (eight) days from the date the Public Call on scheduling the Assembly was published, i.e. not later than until 5.3.2024, propose supplement to the proposed Agenda by including new items or decisions in relation to each of the items included or that shall be included on the Agenda, if they simultaneously also submit explanation of the proposed item as supplement to the Agenda, or if they propose a Decision related to the proposed item. Proposing items/ decisions for the Agenda is made by written notification submitted to the above-mentioned address, with the required note, or electronically to the e-mail address: sobranie@stb.com.mk.

The proposal shall be submitted in writing/ scan, in original, with completed full name and surname and personal signature of the shareholder (s) – individual (s), i.e. name, headquarters, seal, full name and surname and personal signature of the legal representative of the shareholder (s) – legal entity (ies). Together with the request, the shareholder should also obligatorily submit the appropriate documents for identification, as follows: 

  1. For a shareholder - individual, the following should be submitted:

    • Statement from the Central Depository of Securities, which contains the number of shares, in original, not older than 3 days, and
    • Copy of the ID card or passport.
  2. For a shareholder – legal entity, the following should be submitted:

    • Statement from the Central Depository of Securities, which contains the number of shares, in original, not older than 3 days,
    • Last current status from the Central Register, in original, not older than 7 days, and
    • Copy of the ID card or passport of the legal representative.

Shareholders have the right to ask questions related to the items on the Agenda. The right to ask questions of the shareholders, and the obligation of the company to respond to the asked questions, may be limited only for the purposes to maintain the order at the meeting and of the activity of the assembly, or for taking over activities to preserve the confidentiality of operations and the business interests of the company.
The responses to the asked questions at the assembly meeting of the company shall be published on the web page of the Bank - www.stb.com.mk – in form of Q&A.

Questions should be submitted in writing, in original, at the abovementioned address, with the required note, or electronically in scan to the e-mail address: sobranie@stb.com.mk, with completed full mane and surname and personal signature of the shareholder (s) – individual (s), i.e. name, headquarters, seal, full name and surname and personal signature of the legal representative of the shareholder (s) – legal entity (ies). Together with the question, the shareholder should obligatorily also submit additional documents for identification, as follows:

  1. For a shareholder - individual, the following should be submitted:

    • Statement from the Central Depository of Securities, which contains the number of shares, in original, not older than 3 days, and
    • Copy of the ID card or passport.
  2. For a shareholder – legal entity, the following should be submitted:

    • Statement from the Central Depository of Securities, which contains the number of shares, in original, not older than 3 days,
    • Last current status from the Central Register, in original, not older than 7 days, and
    • Copy of the ID card or passport of the legal representative.

Voting in relation to the items on the Agenda shall be made in a manner as per the Statute and the Law on trading companies.

The material related to the proposed Agenda, as well as other information, in accordance with current regulations, shall be fully available for review to the shareholders in the Head Office of SB (3rd floor, office No. 306), each working day, from 12.00h. to 15.00h., and they shall also be published on the web page of the Bank - www.stb.com.mk from the date this Public Call is announced.





The nominal amount of the initial capital of the SB is 3,602,219,798 denars divided into 17,460,180 ordinary shares with a nominal amount of 201.1 denars per share and 227,444 non-voting cumulative preference shares with a nominal amount of 400 denars per share.

Shareholders of voting shares of ordinary shares holding qualified holding in SB:

National Bank of Greece (NBG): 94.6%.
Other shareholders: 5.4%.

SB Prospectus for listing of issued shares of sub-segment "Mandatory listing on the Official Market of the Macedonian Stock Exchange AD Skopje"




For further information, please contact

Веб-страницата на Стопанска банка АД - Скопје користи „колачиња“ кои собираат податоци за корисниците. Овие податоци помагаат на Банката да обезбеди подобро корисничко искуство, како и подобра функционалност на услугите и веб-страницата. Со одбирање на опцијата „Ги прифаќам сите колачиња“ давате согласност за начинот на кој ги користиме „колачињата“. За други опции, одете во „Поставки за колачиња“. Дополнително, користењето на веб-страницата на СБ не е условена од прифаќањето на колачињата иако на тој начин одредени процеси може да не бидат технички оптимизирани за вашето лично корисничко искуство.