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Financial results for the first half of the year 2023

28. 07. 2023


The financial results for the first half of the year are published - the Bank remains committed to supporting the economy


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje published the financial results for H1-2023, showing in continuation its solid performance in all aspects of the operations:

  • The increase of the core income by 25% vs. the H1-2022 was attributed to NII growth driven by the organic growth of the lending portfolio by 3% and high liquid assets, supported by the interest rates increase.
  • At the same time the operational costs remain low despite the growing inflation and price increases, thus maintaining C:I ratio at 31%, the lowest on the market.
  • The Bank continued to generate capital reflecting strong profitability, and with the last allocation of EUR 25milion, the regulatory capital of the Bank increased by 9% reaching CAR of 17.29%
  • PBT amounted to 1.67 billion denars or 2% higher than that of H1-22.

Apart from the core business, the main challenges of the Bank are the digitalization and automation of the processes and services, effective risk management, customer support and innovation of the banking offer. Recently, the Bank has introduced Google Wallet - application enabling payments through the mobile device, thus being the first Bank launching this service on the market. Preserving the leading market position and share of 27% in retail and above 16% in the corporate area is a responsible and diligent task that requires full devotion and engagement of all Bank’s employees.

Stopanska banka will continue to support its social and environmental activities that are making it recognizable in society, as well as cultivating a good working environment for its employees.

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje
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