Payment Operations
Oppening an account
Oppening an account
Opening a payment account
Required documents for legal entities opening a payment account for the first time:
- Decision for registration in the trade register, i.e., in the register of the competent authority of the Republic of North Macedonia, if the entry in the register is prescribed by law
- Founding act by the competent authority, if the participant is not registered
- Statement from the law, if the participant is founded in accordance with the law
- Current Status of the ownership structure
- Application for registration of a legal entity or natural person (Form SB)
- Registration form of domestic legal entity registered in the Trade Register with The Central Register of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Application form for opening/change of payment account and authorized signatories of the legal entity (Form SB)
- Application for authorized payment order deliverers (Form SB)
- Framework Agreement of payment services (Form SB)
- Statement for acceptance and realization of acceptance orders (Form SB) – for clients registered before 2001
- Proof that the account has been transferred from the Ministry of Finance - Public Revenue Office - to clients registered before 2001
- General Terms and Conditions for operating a payment account and other services for legal entities (Form SB)
- General Terms and Conditions for the use of I-Bank service (digital banking) of Stopanska banka AD Skopje for legal entities (Form SB)
- General Terms and Conditions of Stopanska Banka AD Skopje for the use of Debit Cards for legal entities (Form SB)
- General Terms and Conditions of Stopanska Banka AD Skopje for acceptance of card-based payment transactions (Form SB)
The clients of the Bank that already have an account with SB only need to submit SB forms.
- Application form for opening/change of a payment account and authorized signatories of the legal entity (Form SB)
- Application for authorized payment order deliverers (Form SB)
Domestic legal entities can open foreign currency payment accounts in all branches of Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje, which cover almost all towns throughout Macedonia.
In order to open FC payment accounts, the client should submit the following documents:
- Certificate from the register which keeps records of legal entities headquartered in the Republic of North Macedonia not older than three months, from which the following can be confirmed: name, headquarters, activity, registration number and tax number in original or notarized copy, authorized body founding act if the legal entity executes registered activity, in which case there is no obligation for entry in the register, or statement from the law if the legal entity is founded in accordance with the law.
- “Authorized signatures” form (notarized signature of the legal representative), in original
- Original of written notification signed by the legal representative and identification document of the authorized person.
Non resident accounts
Non-resident accounts
Non-resident accounts could be opened by legal entities registered abroad, humanitarian organizations with their registered office abroad, as well as diplomatic representatives and representatives of international organizations accredited in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Payment accounts for foreign legal entities can be opened in all branches of Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje.
Before establishing a business relationship, the client fills out Questionnaire for expressing intent for establishing business relation with Stopanska banka
In order to open a payment account, the client should submit the following documents:
- Written request for opening the payment account and for disposal of the funds in the account, signed by the legal representative of the legal entity, in original.
- Application for client identification - legal entities of the legal entity with all mandatory data completed, including the part for ultimate owner, in the original
- Personal identification documents of the legal representatives, authorized signatories and beneficial owners of the legal entity
- A document for registration of the foreign legal entity issued by a competent authority, an extract from the trade register or other register where records of legal entities are kept in the country in which the entity is registered, no older than 6 months, from which the legal representative, the date of its establishment, the name, address, seat and the activity it performs, managers, owners can be determined, in the original or a copy certified by a notary or authorized institution in the domicile country.
- Documents to determine the ownership structure
- Certificate of paid taxes issued by a tax authority
- Financial statements/final account for the last year
- Expected inflows and expected outflows with amounts and principals/principals (can be on a memorandum from the company, signed by the manager)
- Credit rating from a bank in the home country
- Description of the business and description of the activities on the territory of the RSM/legal and natural persons with whom they cooperate on the territory of the RSM (can be on a memorandum from the company, signed by the manager).
- Authorized signature card
- Framework Agreement of payment services
- General Terms and Conditions for operating a payment account and other services for legal entities
- Other documents (The Bank has the right to request from the Client to submit additional documents for verification and enhanced analysis of the operations of the foreign legal entity)
For a non-resident legal entity - a diplomatic mission of a foreign country or a representative office of an international organization, a document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia or an extract from the Central Register of the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as a power of attorney of the responsible person in the representative office, in original or a copy certified by a notary.
The listed documents are submitted in the original in Macedonian, translated by an authorized translator.
The identity of the legal representative and the persons authorized to dispose of the funds on the payment account of a non-resident legal entity is determined based on the following documents:
- valid identification document (valid ID card or passport with address of residence)
- information / statement whether the non-resident legal entity has bearer shares / shares
- application for registration individuals
Disposal of funds on the payment accounts of a non-resident legal entity
- Stopanska banka enables transfers upon the order of a non-resident in foreign currency and in denars in accordance with the legal regulations in the country
- Deposits and withdrawals in FC and denars in accordance with the legal regulations in the country
Updating of documentation
In accordance with the decision on the manner and conditions for opening and maintaining accounts of non-residents, the identification and registration documents of non-resident legal entity clients are mandatorily updated at least once a year, by presenting an extract from the trade register or other register where records of legal entities in the country are kept in which the entity is registered, not older than 6 months, from which it can be determined that the legal entity has operated continuously in the period after the account was opened, i.e. from the period of the last update.
If the client, a non-resident legal entity, fails to provide the necessary documentation for updating after one year, as well as if there has been no turnover on the payment accounts in the bank for more than two years, the bank shall act in accordance with the applicable regulations, which currently provide for the blocking of the accounts.