Payment Operations
VISA Business
VISA Business
Product description
Visa Business is a debit card for legal entities – residents. One or more Visa Business cards can be issued to employees who can use them for various business payments on behalf of the legal entity.
With the Visa Business debit cards, the employees that receive the card have continuous 24/7 access to the funds on the special purpose account of each card, at any location, at more than 20 million points of sale or ATMs in the World.
- Payment of business (official) costs without a fee at more than 20 million points of sale in the World.
- Each legal entity may require to be issued one or more Visa Business debit cards (each with separate account) that shall be used for making business payments within the frame of the funds the legal entity shall transfer on each of the accounts.
- The legal entity manages i.e. determines the amounts for spending individually (available cash funds), on each individual Visa Business card issued to the legal entity employees.
- Simple monitoring and management of accounts and realized spendings with Visa Business debit cards via the e-banking service of Stopanska Banka.
- Validity of 5 years, after which the card is automatically renewed. The legal entity has the right at any time to request closure of one or more VISA Business debit cards.
Membership and fees
- Cash withdrawal WITHOUT FEE in MKD from ATMs and SB branches
- For cash withdrawal in MKD from ATMs of other Banks in the Republic of North Macedonia, a fee of MKD 100,00 + 1% of the amount raised
- For cash withdrawal abroad, a fee of 1 EUR + 1.5% of the amount raised
- Daily cash withdrawal limit is 60.000,00 MKD (upon request of the owner it can be changed one-off)
- The MKD account is debited at a cost of MKD 1,000.00 for a card withdrawn from an ATM abroad.
Annual membership
For legal entities with an account and operations in Stopanska Banka:
- No membership for the first year
- 450 MKD per year for each individual Visa Business debit card
For others:
- 600,00 MKD per year for each individual Visa Business debit card
Use and documents
Using the card
- Maximum purchase amount per transaction of 250.000 MKD in the country and abroad
- Purchase cumulative transaction amount within one month of 600.000 MKD in the country and abroad
- Maximum daily cash ATM withdrawal limit of 60.000 MKD in the country and abroad
The Visa Business Debit Card can be used on national and foreign internet sites to execute high security level e-commerce transactions.
- Account in Stopanska Banka
- Current status not older than 6 months
- Application and authorization (prescribed form by the Bank) for issuing Visa Business debit card to at least one person, filled by the legal representative of the business entity.
For further information, please contact