Loan products
EBRD Sustainable Reboot SME Programme
EBRD Sustainable Reboot SME Programme
Loans by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Loan Characteristics
The Sustainable Reboot SME Programme is a facility to support support small business by providing them with finance for investments in high performance standards (EU and internationally recognized), technologies and services in the field of environmental protection, occupational health and safety and product quality and safety, helping them to become more competitive. The Programme aims at allowing SMEs to reboot their businesses following the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Programme enables Credit Line by EBRD placed by Stopanska Banka AD Skopje and grant incentive (15%) funded by Luxembourg, Norway and United States of America via the Small Business Impact Fund (SBIF)*, and other Business Impact Fund (SBIF)* and other donors expected to participate.
Eligibility criteria
Investment aimed for companies with:
- Fewer than 250 persons full time equivalent throughout the year in the company or group of companies
- Annual turnover: not exceeding EUR 50 million equivalent
- Annual balance sheet: not exceeding EUR 43 million equivalent
• Up to EUR 1.000.000 for complex projects
• Up to EUR 150.000 for LET projects
Up to EUR 1.000.000 is available for a single project or for several projects implemented by the applying company/group of companies. Company may apply for several LET projects or complex provided that the total amount will not overcome, in total, EUR 1.000.000.
Tenor and repayment
• Up to 3 years for financing LET projects (minimum 18 months)
• Up to 10 years for financing investment (minimum 18 months)
Real estate, movable assets, bank guarantee, corporate guarantee, bills of exchange, cash cover and other assets as agreed with the Bank.
• Interest rate 3,8 + 6 month EURIBOR
• Front end fee 1,00%
• Commitment fee 0,50%
For more information on the Exclusions please contact Stopanska banka AD - Skopje)
- Gambling, real estate, banking, insurance or financial intermediation, production and/or sale of tobacco and hard liquor
- Manufacture, supply or trade in arms and all other activities excluded by the EBRD policies
- Working capital, except to the extent that such working capital requirement is an integral part of the investment cost of the eligible Sub-project
- Speculation in property, financing of land purchase
- Speculation in shares, bonds and any other type of financial instruments
- Refinancing (or other displacement) of any existing loan or credit operation to the relevant sub-borrower
- Without the prior written consent of EBRD, any activities appearing on the FI Referral List included as Appendix A in the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy, dated April 2019
- Technologies involving the combustion, transportation or extraction of carbon intensive fossil fuels such as coal, heating oil or oil shale
- Projects in oil and gas production, processing (including refining), transport (transmission and distribution), storage and utilization to generate electricity (other than for own consumption)
- Production of single use plastic products for consumer applications (not for medical purposes)