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The campaign “Vozi od srce” concluded with success!





The campaign “Vozi od srce” concluded with success!


The year when Stopanska banka AD – Skopje celebrated its 75th anniversary was enriched with a unique interactive campaign that asked the citizen to ride their bikes and to “donate” the kilometers they drove for a common goal – reaching 1 million kilometers together.

Thanks to the positive and humanitarian character and the improved habit of the population to replace the car with a bike for their means of transport and the nice weather in addition, the campaign reached the millionth kilometer on 21.11.2019 thus completing the primary goal.

Of course, the plea was also of humanitarian nature, because besides inspiring healthy habits for the participants, the Bank donated from the hearts of all of those who participated to the University Clinic for Children diseases, the Cardiology/Rheumatology ward a state of the art ultrasonic Philips “Affinity” 70 with pediatric capacity for examining children of all ages.

For a Hospital that takes care of our youngest citizen it is of utmost importance to help a larger number of patients, in a shorter amount of time however without having to compromise the diagnostic and the procedures. This device provides immaculate 2D imagery especially for technically difficult patients, a large touch screen display, and offers over 7500 parameters available for personalized exams. The device offers fast, accurate and secure diagnostics and at the same time is energy efficient which makes it resource wise very convenient for the hospital.


In addition, the diagnostic equipment can be used for medical research by the professional team which also provides room for the Clinic to serve its educational purpose as well.


During the presentation of the donation, the CEO and President of the BoD of Stopanska banka, Mr. Diomidis Nikoletopoulos said to the media: “Stopanska banka AD – Skopje completed a donation today which came from the widely accepted communal project “Vozi od srce”. We are very satisfied to see the medical tem here today feel professionally motivated to be able to use state of the art diagnostic equipment and is feeling confident that they can help more patients and help them in a better way. This is what each participant in this project is most happy about.
We wish them success and a lot of healthy kids hearts. Stopanska banka AD - Skopje with its 75 years continues to be a company that grows and develops together with the community from where it comes from. We remain on your side.



"Improving diagnostics in pediatric cardiology, especially when it comes to congenital heart anomalies and early referral to cardiology centers, which is the main goal in timely children support. Big thanks to the responsible team of Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje and to all those who supported the campaign "Vozi od srce". Children's health is the most important.”, said Dr. Najdanovska Aluloska, Medical Manager of the University Clinic for children diseases.

She also added that this diagnostic equipment could also be used for educational purposes by the medical team.


On the behalf of the expert team of the Department of Cardiology and Rheumatology, Prof. Dr. Rozana Katsarska, Head of this department, added that it is one of the latest pediatric cardiologist echo cardiographs with the highest professional standards.
"Pediatric diagnostics, especially for children who have congenital heart anomalies, means the first step to a healthy child and timely diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to Stopanska banka for this donation, but let me mention that our cooperation for a better treatment of our little ones will continue, ”added Prof. Kacarska.


Besides the medical equipment the Bank also donated new medical furniture and IT equipment for the exam room to make sure both patients and doctors have overall better experience.





Stopanska banka AD – Skopje

75 years on your side



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