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SonuvameMenuvame vol.2


Second edition of the “Sonuvame.Menuvame”
CSR project of Stopanska banka AD – Skopje
„Together we can make a better world“



By organizing the second edition of the project “Sonuvame.Menuvame” Stopanska banka AD – Skopje shifts its focus towards the kids with special needs or disabilities and the need for their sustainable inclusion within the society.

At the MOB (Macedonian Opera and Ballet) the kids favorites 5+ Family, which for 10 years have enriched the home entertainment and fun kids program, will provide hour long concerts where some of the roles will be played by the kids with special needs which empowers the storyline and makes it complete while at the same time displaying to the public in a most plastic manner the desired inclusion which is in our focus.

The five “Sonuvame.Menuvame” concerts will be held at MOB with the following schedule:

•    Friday 15.12. from 18h
•    Saturday 16.12 from 11 and from 14h
•    Sunday 17.12 from 11 and from 14h

Because of the humanitarian aspect of the event, the tickets will be sold at the MOB ticket office at a symbolic price of 150mkd and the proceedings will be added to the donation fund established by Stopanska banka for the association of kids with special needs.

Our team has created this project together with the associations of kids with special needs and I am particularly proud that it gains continuity and is a form of surge to our CSR activity in the future.
The power of the project arises from the cooperation, from the opportunity to know more, to share experiences, to learn something and to emphasize empathy. Each and every one of us, included in the project has gained a new perspective in life and a model for future improvement.
Again, with the donations the Bank shall provide to the associations we hope that the kids will not only have good time at the concerst, but will also enjoy permanently improved conditions for education and growth.” – said Mr. Diomidis Nikoletopoulos, CEO and Chairman of the BoD at Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

Stopanska banka AD – Skopje
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