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Debar branch renovated



Ceremony for the opening of the renovated Debar branch


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje continues to invest in improving the working conditions in the largest branch network in the country. At the satisfaction of the local citizens and companies that cooperate with Stopanska banka AD - Skopje, one of the older branches of the Bank was renovated and transformed into a modern banking space where the clients can continue using the bank products and services. The Branch manager and employees together with the CEO and the BoD members invited the local clients to a gathering and networking where they again used the opportunity to thank the clients for their trust and hope for continuous cooperation.

For the students from Debar a special event was created with Kaliopi that made sure each child had a chance to talk to her, get a CD with an authograph and of course make smiling photos with the kids.


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

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