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Announcement for the second period of delayed repayment



Announcement for a second period of delayed repayment


With the end of September/October ends the period of delayed repayment for the retail lending products, which came from the Stopanska banka offer published at the beginning of April this year, compliant to the NBRSM regulative. After the end of the period the clients shall continue to regular repayment of their debt.

However, having in mind the extended unfortunate effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the economy and the life of the citizen, Stopanska banka AD - Skopje shall offer a second period of delayed repayment of retail lending products, under the following terms.  


Qualified clients:
Clients users of a lending product (Consumer, Auto, Housing, Credit card or My Cash) and were with regular status by 29.2.2020 (classified A, B or C) or were disbursed between 1-24.3.2020 and have a real need for a second delayed repayment period with an extension to the repayment period (such as: job loss, reduced income, medical bills), that can verify it with appropriate documents: monthly statement for the period 1.1-31.8.2020 (if they are not payroll clients of SB, proof of job loss, medical documents from 2020 and other documents required by the Bank.


How the second period of delayed repayment shall be communicated:
The Bank shall provide clients, users of annuity products currently in delayed repayment, as well as some credit cards/My Cash users, the opportunity to ask for a second period of delayed repayment based on analysis made. The Bank shall send e-mail/SMS on 4.9.2020 giving clients the opportunity to answer by 13.9.2020 whether they need the second period of delayed repayment.


Clients that are not going to be contacted via SMS or e-mail and have a real need, are encouraged to contact the 24/7 Contact center available on (02)3100 109 or the Branches and request to be included in the second period of delayed repayment.

The Bank shall accordingly inform all clients about their decision to use the delayed repayment period no later than 30.09.2020. All clients for which the Bank shall make a positive decision will be using the second period of delayed repayment, and all others shall have to continue their monthly repayment. 


Time frame of the second period of delayed repayment:

Clients shall be able to use 6 months of delayed repayment (not later than 31.3.2020) and an extension to the repayment period of their annuity loans. 
Clients with annuity loans (consumer, car or housing) can ask the Bank via the Contact center or the branches, to return to regular repayment before the end of the second period in case of improved conditions for them. 

Clients using revolving lending products (cards/MyCash) that are going to use the period of delayed repayment, can make deposits at any time, in accordance to their abilities, and such deposits will be used to reduce their debt accordingly. 


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

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